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Privacy Statement

We recognize that your privacy is important and will protect it to the best of our ability. This privacy policy applies to all of our classes and services.

In terms of online privacy: we do not set cookies. We do not sell or otherwise seek to profit from the contact information you provide, although we may preserve some information for use by the Naiad Company.

We do track website performance using Google Analytics, which generates statistics such as the number of page views or times of peak traffic. (If you don’t want your anonymous browser data to be collected by Google Analytics when you visit sites using Google Analytics, you can install an opt-out in your web browser.)

If you choose to sign up for our email list, your contact information will be preserved solely for purposes of sending you news from Skyway Consulting via email and is not shared with other organizations. We do not sell or otherwise seek to profit from the contact information you provide.

If you have questions about this privacy policy, please contact us.